Respir greu. Cainele nu e acasa in seara asta. Iar mie, mie mi-e un dor nebun de bratele de Caine. N-am chef sa dorm, nu-mi place sa adorm singura, asa ca m-am apucat sa rascolesc Internetul, in principal dupa muzica.
Si de ce respir greu?
Pentru ca am descoperit aceste versuri:
"It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm
we can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable
(oh) where the devil makes us sin.
But we like it when we're spinning
in his grin.
Love is like a sin my love
For the ones that feel it the most
Look at her with her eyes like a flame.
She will love you like a fly never love you,
we can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable
(oh) where the devil makes us sin.
But we like it when we're spinning
in his grin.
Love is like a sin my love
For the ones that feel it the most
Look at her with her eyes like a flame.
She will love you like a fly never love you,
care apartin acestei melodii:
pe care o ascult de ceva timp pe repeat, in mod deosebit dupa ce i-am vazut videoclipul aici*.
*adult content involved.
Caine, tremur. Melodia asta m-a dat peste cap. Si versurile, da, the devil ... makes us sin, but we like it ... am o dorinta nebuna de a fi animalul tau over and over and over again. Te-astept acasa. : ) O sa citesti si-o sa vii in pat sa ma trezesti. Si-o sa stii ce ai de facut. : )
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